
Top 3 Apps to Stay Organized in Your Business

by | Aug 13, 2021 | Translation Services

When it comes to running any kind of business, one of the top things to help you succeed is staying organized. By staying organized you can be more efficient, productive and keep your stress levels down.

There are a ton of different apps and tools that you can use to help stay organized in your business. A lot of them have apps made for Mac, PC, Android, and Apple products making it super easy for you to have access to your apps no matter what technology you are using. Most of the apps are also versatile across phones, tablets, and computers meaning you can take your apps anywhere you need to go.

To help you get started with your organization, keep reading to explore the top 3 apps to stay organized in your business.

Note Taking

No great idea is ever formed without some good old fashioned brain storming. The problem with notes is we end up with them everywhere. Some are on sticky notes, others on note pads and you might even have some on that napkin from lunch. Scattered notes can make us feel less organized, even though we are taking notes which is an organizational task.

To prevent scattered notes, getting an app that keeps them organized is the best way to go. A great app for this is called Evernote. The app is available wherever you need it and comes with a variety of great features. One of the best features is how you can organize your notes into different cards or tiles with the ability to move them around and see them all at once. You can insert photos, links, and even connect notes to one another. You can even share them with others in your organization to increase collaboration.

Using this app will allow you to organize those scattered notes with just a few clicks and take your organization game to another level.


From notes, many documents are born. The idea from the note begins to take shape and becomes a formal working document. We have client documents, training documents, contracts, and probably a whole lot more. Of course, this brings us to a new problem. What do we do with all the documents?

Staying organized with documents is very simple these days using cloud software. The best one on the market is of course Google Drive. This cloud-based software lets you take documents anywhere, share them with colleagues or clients and of course stay organized.

One of the many perks of this app is being able to organize your documents just like you would on your desktop with folders and different types of documents. You can have images, videos, spreadsheets, presentations, word documents and more. You are also able to collaborate in real time with your colleagues or clients in the documents virtually.

Utilizing this app to stay organized in your business will be a game changer.

Project Management

Naturally when we have a lot of ideas, they turn into projects. You’ll have projects that pertain to the growth of your business and projects that are for clients only. As your business expands you may even have multiple projects on the go between your employees, you, and your clients.

You guessed it, keeping these organized is going to be the key to your success especially when it comes to pleasing your clients and reaching deadlines. There are a lot of apps out there for project management. Each of them has a different set of pros and cons, but the main thing to look for is if you can use it with ease. The last thing you want to do is use a complicated project management system and get frustrated not being able to stay organized.

The best app for staying organized with projects is Trello. This project management app is very visual with tons of drag and drop features. You can create boards for different projects, invite employees and even your clients if needed. This app has mobile and desktop versions allowing to make updates anywhere you are.

Adding this app into your tools for organization will help you stay on top of all your projects.

Staying Organized

As your business grows, make sure that you implement procedures to help you stay organized. This may look like labelling documents a specific way, how you organize your projects and even setting tasks for any of your employees.

Make it a habit to use outside recourses like apps to help you stay organized and reach your goals!