
Tips for Business Planning in 2022

by | Jan 4, 2022 | Translation Services

It’s here! It seems like just yesterday we were rolling into 2021 with big dreams and goals to reach, but now it’s already 2022. It’s incredible how fast the year can go by and all the things that can happen during the year. We are all aware of how 2021 went, but now we can plan for a great year for 2022.

Planning for the new year can be fun and exciting. You just need to take the time to sit down and plan out what you would love to happen during the year of 2022. To help you get started with this process we have put together our top tips.


Before you can set any goals, it’s important to take a moment and reflect on how the year went for you. You can look at this from a monthly, quarterly, or yearly perspective. This will help you identify when things went well and where there are gaps that need to be addressed.

Take your time when you go through your reports, data, and anything else that gives you an accurate representation of how well your business performed in 2021. This information will allow you to create predictions for the new year and create new plans for scaling further.

This step is very important to complete before doing any goal setting to ensure that your goals are aligned with the growth you want to see in your business during 2022.

Goal Setting

Now that you are aware of how your business performed in 2021 it is time to set some goals. Your goals should be S.M.A.R.T. This means that they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and have a timeline. When you create goals using this method the probability of achieving them increases. This is because you know exactly when you achieve that goal.

It’s important to set goals that scale your progress from the previous year, but also fill the gaps that you took note of in the reflection phase. Your goals should also reflect any new projects that you are taking on for the year. You can include monetary goals and non-monetary goals if they follow the S.M.A.R.T model.

One extra step you can take is breaking down your larger goals into smaller goals using the S.M.A.R.T. method and divide them between your team. This allows everyone to work towards the bigger goals for the company collectively.

Taking Action

Once all your goals are set in place and you are ready for the new year, you have one last thing to do. TAKE ACTION! This is the most important step to take, because if you aren’t taking action, you won’t achieve your goals.

Take some time to map out the action steps that need happen to achieve the goals. You can map these out by steps, by employee or any other way that makes the most sense. This might look like smaller goals and steps to achieve the bigger goals. The most important thing is that the action steps are clear and achievable.

This step may take some extra planning and you may want to include your team in this process.

Your Next Project

One goal that you can include in your 2022 plan is translation. This could be your website, manuals, trade agreements and more. Translation alone can help boost your reach to potential clients, increase sales and improve your current client relationships.

To get started on this goal, reach out to us today!