Christmas Language History
Whether you say Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noel, Happy Hanukah or some other version of the holiday greeting, they all bring a similar festive vibe to the conversation. Christmas language has a long and intricate history.
In fact, almost every language has its own version of “MerryChristmas.” But have you ever stopped to think of why we say the phrase at alland the history behind it?
As the holiday season is upon us, it’s a joyous time to reflect on the origins of the holiday but many people don’t know the history behind the language.

The History of the Word Christmas
First, let’s explore the history of the word Christmas, which comes from Middle English Cristemasse, meaning Christ’s mass. Yes, the terminology has deep-rooted history in Christianity.
According to, the Englishterm Christmas (“mass on Christ's day”) is of fairly recentorigin. The earlier term Yule may have derived from the Germanic jōl or theAnglo-Saxon geōl, which referred to the feast of the winter solstice.
The word “Christenmas” was also historically used, but isnow considered archaic and dialectal, according to Wikipedia, which exploresthe etymology of the word.
Language has now evolved to the point where many people havereplaced Christmas with “Xmas”, though they likely don’t know where thatoriginated or why.
Xmas is considered an abbreviated of Christmas, based on the initial letter of X, which is Chi/X in Greek language. Now, people often use the term as slang for Christmas. While this word is pronounced the same as “Christmas”, many people incorrectly say pronounce it as “ex-mass.”
The Eight-Day Jewish Celebration
Of course, the holiday season is also the time of year thatmany people celebrate Hanukkah, which is an eight-day Jewish celebration that commemoratesthe rededication during the second century B.C. of the Second Temple inJerusalem, according to, whichexplores the history in depth.
Often referred to as the Festival of Lights, the holiday iscelebrated with the lighting of the menorah, traditional foods, games and giftsfrom Dec. 22 to Dec. 30 this year. The word Hanukkah meansrededication in Hebrew.
In case you’re wondering, there are thousands of ways toexpress Merry Christmas in other languages, and you can find them here or here. Memorize a few and surprise your friends!
Whatever language you choose to express Merry Christmas in, enjoy your holidays and a Happy New Year!
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